Monday, June 28, 2010

When imagination screeches to a halt..

It's not their childhood dream.They too like anyone of us had dreamt of their Knights in shining armors.But when people put you down so much like that,you start to think they're right,that you really are worthless.And that's when the role of pimps come into play.They target girls who seem lonely,homeless,rebellious and innocent,too much at that to read beyond his feigned affection which more often than not forces her to be his women at first and then the horror follows.When she's forced into it first,she cries all night but gets used to it and thinks it's her destiny to be treated like a piece of meat,barely holding together. Why not just call them gold-digging promiscuous ladies and not hookers.
That makes it sound not-so-socially-unacceptable.Isn't it?Do whatever,just don't hate them.They aren't so much different from you and I.Whether she was sold to a brothel by her family or got turned into one owing to incest or running away from home and being pimped by her boyfriend or whether she's into it to be able to pay her tuition fees,she's hurt,in more ways than you can think of.She's intrinsically traumatized.Agree at a price with a stranger.Slip out of clothes.Come ball me quick!Wham-bam-thank you ma'am.Next please.
They say slavery has been abolished.Wish they knew how it prevails in the form of prostitution and shall forever.
It is enforced to protect patriarchy,so men can feel at the top,literally and metamorphically.
We are all slaves and prostitutes and then it doesn't matter to what society,religion or caste one is a slave of.Every woman is a prostitute at one time or the other.The total amount of unwanted sex endured by a married woman is greater than that in prostitution.What do you think is marriage?To me it's prostitution to one man instead of many.The actors are prostitutes too.We pay to watch them get cozy with someone when they too are in a monogamous relation.
The incredibly gaping question now is,why are they all loved and the real ones hated?Why can't we be fair to them and give them a chance to live?Why is it that we need to put the weak down to feel better?Why can we not be fair to her?


Indian Psycho said...

Its too interesting to go through how you present one part of it, and invade the other of it. They need love too, everyone does, not the paid love that everyone guesses for only them. It's a profession which none of them actually chose for themselves. None of them. Maybe even the actresses/models or whatsoever, had to, at some point of time, give themselves up for the bizarre urges of people who could actually/or not really give them a start.

Unknown said...

That's how the industry is and no one really is to blame in particular.That's one truth they are afraid to admit even to themselves and still are so insensitive that they put down others who already have lost hopes long time back.It's a pity but it's a selfish world out there!

Indian Psycho said...

Indeed! I remember an old line from past (schoolbook to be precise)..something like "my friend, be wise and strong, but don't steal from anyone their song"!! They're fighting child labour, wildlife extinction, cancer, homosexuality, AIDS, (causes we ourselves might stand up for), but none of them actually came forward to fight for prostitution, the dark story behind.

Anonymous said...

@shreya-i like the tags "hate,patriarchy,trauma,unfair",it just goes with the misery.I personally dont disdain them "promicuous ladies" or feel pity for them either!atleast they work hard in whatever way.All respect!
Respect that they chose a way to get out of the helplessness and not stoop down to the extent of begary.Respect that they can sell themselves(the only thing they've left with in most cases) to ugly strangers to help their families or themselver or whoever.I feel sad though,that humanity has stooped so low that someone would sell their own child or pretend to love someone for the sake of money or that they'd stoop to the level of paying for physical intercourse for the sake of sexual satisfaction!
Women are the emotional sex,I wonder how they bring themselves out of the misery(im probably not using the right word) with having to sleep with men they hardly know,considering they've always dreamt of their "special one"!
All respect!
I agree,Im a feminist.Love me or hate me!
@indian-prostitution doesn't need fighting,humanity needs to be fought for.

@everyone-Humanity has gone so low that our moms and sisters cannot be on the streets safe!im out with a girl(it does not matter what relationship i share with her) and im worried,worried if a desperate bastard's looking at her or talking to a friend about her.

Humanity and the superior race needs to be revived.

We need to start with women starting to respect other women!women call other women "whores" now.where's the respect?where's the humanity?

Please o please,respect every human being,everyone has his own reasons.Even psychos are made by mental trauma(just an extreme example)!

Anonymous said...

@shreya-i like the tags "hate,patriarchy,trauma,unfair",it just goes with the misery.I personally dont disdain them "promicuous ladies" or feel pity for them either!atleast they work hard in whatever way.All respect!
Respect that they chose a way to get out of the helplessness and not stoop down to the extent of begary.Respect that they can sell themselves(the only thing they've left with in most cases) to ugly strangers to help their families or themselver or whoever.I feel sad though,that humanity has stooped so low that someone would sell their own child or pretend to love someone for the sake of money or that they'd stoop to the level of paying for physical intercourse for the sake of sexual satisfaction!
Women are the emotional sex,I wonder how they bring themselves out of the misery(im probably not using the right word) with having to sleep with men they hardly know,considering they've always dreamt of their "special one"!
All respect!
I agree,Im a feminist.Love me or hate me!
@indian-prostitution doesn't need fighting,humanity needs to be fought for.

@everyone-Humanity has gone so low that our moms and sisters cannot be on the streets safe!im out with a girl(it does not matter what relationship i share with her) and im worried,worried if a desperate bastard's looking at her or talking to a friend about her.

Humanity and the superior race needs to be revived.

We need to start with women starting to respect other women!women call other women "whores" now.where's the respect?where's the humanity?

Please o please,respect every human being,everyone has his own reasons.Even psychos are made by mental trauma(just an extreme example)!

Unknown said...

For Anonymous.
The first tag is "hurt".I think you misread.And I wasn't asking for pity either.Agreed they work instead of begging on the streets but the fact that they're left with no other choice but to sell themselves is nothing short of appalling.

In poor villages of Rajasthan,girls as young as 8 are injected with Oxytocin so as to increase the puberty rate in them and so that they can be pushed to the threshold of prostitution earlier.This injection is very harmful and is neither supposed to be easily available nor given without a doctor's prescription but who sticks to rules these days!
They are being sold for as trivial a sum as two rupees and used on young girls when it was originally used on vegetables to increase the size or on milk-producing animals to increase the yield.I have no words for this particular inhuman act.

And yes,women do use such opprobrious language for other women but it's something that can't be fought against in many-a-places.My hostel warden calls us whores."Randi" to be precise.This when I am studying in a University which has an International appeal but the lady gets away with it.We let her.

And my parents do not allow me out of the house.When I ask why,they tell me it's because I'm still a kid but I know better.

Anonymous said...

"hurt" i meant,i was thinking about something related to "hate" when i wrote this!:D

Indian Psycho said...

A day and I lost quite much here!... :D

*Well, people do get away with things, a fine example of a saying "men will be men"....and thus if this is quite the case, then "rapists will be rapists"! It's about overcoming notions, for parents in particular.

*PS : I did NOT mention fighting AGAINST prostitution. I mentioned taking up the cause. Certain issues, legalization of it being one. Since it's not, it's not too surprising to hear of these women being robbed of their modesty by even "on high" policemen!

*For some of them it does come as quick money (which we cannot deny in some cases), only to deal with irreparable guilt later at some point.

*One pays a beggar and considers it charity. Something that can be even published to the entire society. But when you pay a prostitute who might be in deep waters, no one does it for charity on the least, but to be repaid in form of hours and nights.

*Oxytocin case : It's really to pity. It comes from not one, but poverty and low literacy. And of course, sheer ignorance. They wouldn't have had this idea on their own, but it flows down from the people who actually benefit from it. Taking girls from villages and marrying them off to castrated old men. Or putting them into sex slavery.

Indian Psycho said...

A day and I lost quite much here!... :D

*Well, people do get away with things, a fine example of a saying "men will be men"....and thus if this is quite the case, then "rapists will be rapists"! It's about overcoming notions, for parents in particular.

*PS : I did NOT mention fighting AGAINST prostitution. I mentioned taking up the cause. Certain issues, legalization of it being one. Since it's not, it's not too surprising to hear of these women being robbed of their modesty by even "on high" policemen!

*For some of them it does come as quick money (which we cannot deny in some cases), only to deal with irreparable guilt later at some point.

*One pays a beggar and considers it charity. Something that can be even published to the entire society. But when you pay a prostitute who might be in deep waters, no one does it for charity on the least, but to be repaid in form of hours and nights.

*Oxytocin case : It's really to pity. It comes from not one, but poverty and low literacy. And of course, sheer ignorance. They wouldn't have had this idea on their own, but it flows down from the people who actually benefit from it. Taking girls from villages and marrying them off to castrated old men. Or putting them into sex slavery.

erer said...

this was a very strong post....

it's my first time on ur page and though i didn't come here advertising for my blog, still this just popped in my head... if u often write about causes, would you join a group blog im trying to build? see for urself:

Unknown said...

A lot of it needs to be brought up for people to see for themselves.Everyone knows what is wrong and what is not but no one's bothered for they think they can't fight it alone.I can't see what with people's rotten conscience!Everyone should do what is right.I can't see why they should want to do otherwise.It's plain simple saddening and very at that.

And WarmSunshine,I'll go through it.
I hope you don't take it as back-scratching though!


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